Robot Cell
CLA robot cell
Ideal automation solutions for loading and unloading of parts on machining centres, presses, measuring stations, etc… Convenient, accurate, repeatable and reliable!
The CLA Robot Cell is composed of the following:
- A polyarticulated robot or scara with specific grippers
- A camera device for part recognition
- Automatic camera calibration
- Parts loading/unloading system
- Protection (cage, mats, detection, etc)
- Each application is studied and simulated in order to define the ideal solution
- Microplates screening.
CLA is a center of expertise of Mitsubishi robots
Gripper PE 410 & PE 410A
Electric gripper with 4 fingers
- Power and speed control
- Compact
- Accurate
- Silent
- Gripper PE410A is controlled. Hence it is also possible to control the opening position of the gripper.
TWIST TR136 & TR636
Translation-rotation unit
- Adjustable speed
- Simple and accurate positioning
- Compact
- Simple installation
- Light
XYZ Positioning table
- Maximum gripping surface
- Reduced drive inertia
- Ideal for handling, positioning and storing